Zero Balancing and Transformation

29may(may 29)9:00 am02jun(jun 2)4:00 pmZero Balancing and Transformationwith Jim McCormickDG13 0QL

Event Details

Off the back of the success of the 2023 Verbal Fulcrums class, led by Jim McCormick, we are pleased to announce that Jim will be back in the UK in May 2024 to teach his most recently developed Advanced Workshop: Zero Balancing and Transformation.
This workshop is designed to provide skills and support for experienced ZB practitioners who desire to deepen the effects of their Zero Balancing sessions. The intention is to help Zero Balancing practitioners create more fundamental personal transformations both for themselves and for their clients.
This will be a mastery level creative laboratory in advanced ZB. The process of mastery takes place on many levels – some of them technical proficiency; some of them personal development and attunement to yourself, and some of them learning to attune more deeply to the client so they feel safe, met, understood, and connected with.
James Salomons recently caught up with Jim to discuss the contents of this course - check it out!
Visit for more information and to book your place.


May 29, 2024 9:00 am - June 2, 2024 4:00 pm(GMT+00:00)


Purelands Retreat Centre

DG13 0QL

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