'Once you commit to becoming a Certified Zero Balancer, your learning curve increases sharply and the deeper significance of Zero Balancing begins to reveal itself.' - Fritz Smith MD

“Successfully graduating as a recognised Zero Balancer has proven to be one of the most rewarding and enjoyable of my achievements.”
This sentiment is shared by a great number of students who have completed the Zero Balancing Certification Programme. Enrolment on this programme provides you with a focus and structure for the development of your Zero Balancing skills to a recognised standard of proficiency, and all the support you need to achieve this goal. And on graduation you will join a vibrant group of Certified Zero Balancers numbering almost 1,000 worldwide.
The programme is self-paced and therefore adaptable to your individual circumstances. Most students take between 18 months and three years to complete their studies and to graduate as a Certified Zero Balancer.

To join the ZB UK Certification Programme applicants must:
- Have completed Core ZB I;
- Hold an existing qualification in a healthcare modality.
Those accepted onto the ZB UK Certification Programme must:
- Attend a Core ZB II course;
- Attend a Beyond the Protocol (Freely Moveable Joints) course
- Attend an Advanced Zero Balancing workshop
- Receive regular one-to-one mentoring and encouragement from their mentor, a Zero Balancing teacher, as they progress through the programme
- Receive guidance and feedback from their mentor on one of the most significant elements in the qualification process: skilful touch
- Give 100 Zero Balancing sessions and submit to their mentor write-ups of 50 of these
- Submit two essays on chosen aspects of Zero Balancing.
Attending the following is also recommended:
- The two dedicated Certification Days each year are study days exclusively for those on the Certification Programme.
- National and Regional Study Days.
Details of the cost of enrolling on the ZB UK Certification Programme are as follows:
Payment to ZB UK Ltd. of £500, covering all administrative costs, Certification Days, the mentor’s teaching fee and two tutorial sessions (one at the beginning and one at the end of the programme) over a period of three years, after which time an additional fee will be payable;
- Further mentoring sessions are charged at £25 per hour;
- Membership of ZB UK Ltd is £60;
- Workshops vary in price: Core ZB I, Core ZB II and Freely Moveable Joints are £420 each. The Zero Balancing Masterclass held at Gaunts House is a 5-day residential course costing £595. Please refer to the course calendar for full details of each course.
- National and Regional Study Days are individually priced, and the Course Calendar will have details of costs. Each ZB UK member receives one National Study Day free of charge as part of their annual membership; additional days are £40 for members. Regional Study Days are around £40 but may vary.
- Occasionally, additional elements are added: for example, Beyond the Protocol (Freely Moveable Joints) was added as a requirement for certification in 2011.
If you’d like more information on certifying as a Zero Balancing practitioner, or to join the programme, please contact us.