Zero Balancing can be a beneficial way to counter stress in your life.
What makes Zero Balancing different from other therapies such as massage?
What might I experience during a Zero Balancing session?
What clothes would you recommend I wear?
Is Zero Balancing suitable for everyone?
When is Zero Balancing contraindicated?
Does my Zero Balancing practitioner need to know my medical history?
How often should I come for a session?
Do I need to do anything special after a session?

What makes Zero Balancing different from other therapies such as massage?
Zero Balancing is unique because it actively invites your body to realise a more optimal inner balance. To explain what this means to your health and well-being, consider how a sailboat moves through water. The wind meets and engages the sail and a skilled sailor knows how to ‘tack’ into the wind to make the best of it so that his boat can move forward quickly. Using this sailing metaphor, in our body our energy meets and engages our bony skeleton – our body structure. Where this relationship is in a good balance, a person can be described as being well attuned or well ‘tacked’ into themselves. They are healthy and their life moves forward smoothly and easily. Those less well integrated in themselves might consequently meet more resistance in life and feel under-par. What sets Zero Balancing apart from other therapies is that it addresses this vital inner relationship, bringing these two forces of energy and structure into a more effective balance in the body, and in so doing, supports us as we negotiate an easier and less stressful passage through life.

What might I experience during a Zero Balancing session?
As the session unfolds and tension drops away, your breathing patterns might change, with periods of more shallow breathing followed by a deep outbreath or, your tummy might rumble. You might shed a few tears as memories of an old, deep sadness falls away, or feel little twitching movements in your body or feet, as your energy and structure physically realign. You might enjoy a sense of profound serenity in the room and no body signals at all – they are not a prerequisite.
What clothes would you recommend I wear?
We recommend your wearing soft loose clothing such as tracksuit trousers (or something similar) and a top with either short or long sleeves. For your comfort, we also suggest that you wear a pair of socks.

Is Zero Balancing suitable for everyone?
On the whole, the answer to this question is yes, Zero Balancing is well suited to most people of all ages. Zero Balancing supports your body’s natural healing processes. It can amplify feelings of wellness in healthy people and support those feeling below par to feel more comfortable in themselves, with an increased vitality and sense of purpose.
When is Zero Balancing contraindicated?
We recommend that clients who are acutely ill, who are recovering from a recent bone fracture or surgery (allow two to thre months), or in the first trimester of pregnancy do not receive Zero Balancing.
A Zero Balancing practitioner will also not work with clients under the influence of alcohol or recreational drugs. In addition there are a small number of other long-term, high stress or deficiency illnesses that could be contraindicated for Zero Balancing, for example, unstable epilepsy, and other neurological conditions. In all cases, your Zero Balancing practitioner will be able to discuss your personal circumstances and advise you accordingly.
Zero Balancing works in conjunction with conventional medical therapies and is not a substitute for it.

Does my Zero Balancing practitioner need to know my medical history?
Although Zero Balancing is non-diagnostic, it is important for your practitioner to understand your history of surgeries, illnesses, accidents, and injuries in order to ensure they can work safely with you. So when you arrive for your first Zero Balancing session your practitioner will ask you for this information along with your contact details, and the reason for your visit. You can also speak to a practitioner before booking a session.
How often should I come for a session?
This will depend on your reason for receiving Zero Balancing or what has attracted you to it. Initially we recommend a minimum of three sessions over a period of three to eight weeks. If your physical or emotional pathology patterns have been deeply held in your body for a long time, then it might be appropriate for you to continue with more regular sessions, either weekly or fortnightly thereafter. After their initial series of sessions, many clients often choose to continue with sessions every four to five weeks. Your practitioner will be able to recommend a suitable schedule of appointments to suit your specific needs.
Do I need to do anything special after a session?
We recommend that you drink plenty of water after a session to keep yourself well hydrated. If you work out regularly, we also suggest you continue with your normal regime but train a little less intensively that day. Taking time for a cup of tea and some personal reflection after a session is also highly recommended.