I was born and educated in north-west London and, after graduating with a degree in geology, worked for several years in a textile agency and volunteers bureau, before moving to the Training Department of a large International bank in the City of London. In 1989, I decided to set up my own marketing business in which, for the next decade, I worked with a number of successful retail groups including Pizza Express. Running in parallel with this more conventional career, I was drawn to explore a wider understanding of wellness, believing that the principles of allopathic medicine adopted in the West could (and should) take account of the wisdom of ancient Eastern models of energy. I firmly believe that a respect for both models offers a more integrated and holistic understanding of our own body, mind and spirit relationships, leading, in turn, to a deeper sense of ease in our daily lives. This personal journey of exploration, lasting some 25 years, has afforded me many wonderful opportunities to re-engage with my education and train in a variety of disciplines including Massage, Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Zero Balancing, which I also now teach. As a hands-on Life Coach, no two sessions are the same, each being determined by the needs of my client in that moment. Each session will, however, involve a ZB as my experience is that working with body-triggers and body-memory, alongside left-brain techniques, offers clients the best opportunity to integrate negative life experiences, that have previously limited their everyday lives and relationships, in a more balanced and resourceful way.
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