London Regional Study Day

05jun10:00 am4:00 pmLondon Regional Study DayHighgate, London N6 OrganiserKarli Beare

Event Details

Local Study Days are an opportunity to reconnect with fellow Zero Balancers, share insights and experiences, ask questions and explore your understanding of Zero Balancing principles and the Zero Balancing protocol.

Study days are open to anyone having completed Core ZB I.

The day will take place on Friday 5th June in Highgate, London N6.

To register or for more information, please phone or email Karli Beare or Jeff Lennard.


Price: £40

Instructors: Karli Beare and Jeff Lennard

Contact: 07900 606031 (Karli) or 020 7272 5830 (Jeff)

Prerequisites: Core ZB 1

Location: Highgate, London


June 5, 2020 10:00 am - 4:00 pm GMT(GMT+00:00)


Highgate, London N6

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Karli Beare

I was born and educated in north-west London and, after graduating with a degree in geology, worked for several years in a textile agency and volunteers bureau, before moving to the Training Department of a large International bank in the City of London. In 1989, I decided to set up my own marketing business in which, for the next decade, I worked with a number of successful retail groups including Pizza Express. Running in parallel with this more conventional career, I was drawn to explore a wider understanding of wellness, believing that the principles of allopathic medicine adopted in the West could (and should) take account of the wisdom of ancient Eastern models of energy. I firmly believe that a respect for both models offers a more integrated and holistic understanding of our own body, mind and spirit relationships, leading, in turn, to a deeper sense of ease in our daily lives. This personal journey of exploration, lasting some 25 years, has afforded me many wonderful opportunities to re-engage with my education and train in a variety of disciplines including Massage, Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Zero Balancing, which I also now teach. As a hands-on Life Coach, no two sessions are the same, each being determined by the needs of my client in that moment. Each session will, however, involve a ZB as my experience is that working with body-triggers and body-memory, alongside left-brain techniques, offers clients the best opportunity to integrate negative life experiences, that have previously limited their everyday lives and relationships, in a more balanced and resourceful way.

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