Core ZBII Workshop

22aug(aug 22)9:30 am25(aug 25)5:00 pmCore ZBII WorkshopWith Cassie WhiteBN12 5QL

Event Details

Core ZBII Workshop, 22nd August -Friday 25th August 2023
 An opportunity to refine and advance Core ZB1 skills.
The workshop will start 9.30am Tuesday 22nd August finish Friday 25th August 5pm
Cost £495  (discount available for anyone attending for a second time )
Location West Sussex   BN125QL   - venue to be confirmed
Please Contact Cassie for further details or to reserve a place,
Email Tel 07568069616 Thank you


August 22, 2023 9:30 am - August 25, 2023 5:00 pm(GMT+00:00)


West Sussex - to be confirmed

BN12 5QL

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