Core ZB 1 or 2 Workshop

02nov(nov 2)9:30 am05(nov 5)5:00 pmCore ZB 1 or 2 Workshopwith Richard WaltersHunger Hill Retreat, Newton Poppleford, Sidmouth EX10 0BZ

Event Details

Take part in a Zero Balancing Core 1 or Core 2 Workshop.  Richard Walters will be teaching both workshops on the same course. The workshop will start at 09.30am on 2nd November and finish at 5pm on 5th November. The cost is £495 The location is in East Devon at Hunger Hill Retreat, Newton Poppleford, Sidmouth EX10 0BZ Please contact Richard directly for further information or to reserve a place:  /  07811845862


November 2, 2023 9:30 am - November 5, 2023 5:00 pm(GMT+00:00)

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