Core ZB 1

03dec(dec 3)9:30 am06(dec 6)4:30 pmCore ZB 1Ocean Drive, Ferring, West Sussex BN12 OrganiserCassie White

Event Details

The Core ZB I workshop presents the theoretical insights and practical skills to integrate body energy and body structure using touch. It is valuable to healthcare practitioners and students of all disciplines, whether they use energy or structure in their healing work. Zero Balancing students are drawn from a broad range of health care disciplines. They find that learning Zero Balancing significantly enhances their skill and effectiveness in their main modality, as well as being a valuable bodywork in its own right. Non-healthcare practitioners studying Zero Balancing find that as well as learning a hands-on skill to practice with family and friends, their lives are enhanced in applying the principles that are taught during the course.

Certified Zero Balancing Teachers have been trained by the founder of Zero Balancing, Dr Fritz Smith.

The number of participants in each workshop is limited to ensure high levels of touch feedback.

This workshop is designed to teach you the skills needed to give a full Zero Balancing session and can also be an opportunity for recharging your own batteries and enhancing your wellbeing. It counts as one of the four workshops required as part of the Certification Programme in Zero Balancing.

Core ZB I is the first course everyone takes when beginning their study of Zero Balancing. In particular it introduces the concept of energy in relation to Zero Balancing principles and explores how energy flows within our bodies in a dynamic relationship with our body structure, in particular our bones and skeleton. During the course, all participants have ample opportunity to practice their new skills with fellow students, receiving support and feedback from the teacher.


  • How to touch body energy and anatomical structure simultaneously
  • The unique theory and principles of Zero Balancing
  • The skill of using energy flows within the body as a working tool
  • The energetic anatomy of the skeleton
  • The theory and application of Zero Balancing's working tool - the fulcrum
  • Evaluation and balancing techniques
  • To give and receive contructive peer feedback
  • The basic Zero Balancing protocol
  • How to give an effective Zero Balancing session to family & friends

This workshop takes place over four days, Monday 3rd - Thursday 6th December 2018.


Price: £420.00

Instructors: Cassie White

Course Length: 4 days

Prerequisites: NONE

Registration Info: 01903 700477

Location: Ferring

For more information email Cassie White at


December 3, 2018 9:30 am - December 6, 2018 4:30 pm(GMT+00:00)



Ocean Drive, Ferring, West Sussex BN12

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Cassie White

Born from the inspiration Cassie receives daily in her clinic in witness to her clients’ positive results and her love of Zero Balancing, Cassie studied directly with Dr. Fritz Smith, the Originator and Founder of Zero Balancing in USA and graduated as a ZB Teacher in 2012 with fellow colleagues from around the world. Having taught eight Core ZB classes in her first year with a second year that started with her teaching Freely Movable Joints, Cassie is enjoying sharing what she loves in fun and structured ways. She also teaches Alchemy of Touch, Geometry of Healing, Introductory One Day Core ZB, Local Study Days and The National Certification Study Days with Jeff Lennard. Cassie taught her first Masterclass workshop at Gaunts House with Alan Hext, Anna Colmer and Richard Walters in 2016. Cassie also enjoys mentoring those students on the Certification Programme as it is a gift to watch the art and skill of ZB become alive in the students hands. Cassie has taught in California and Colorado with further invitations lined up in other States. She has assisted Michael Oruch, President of ZBHA this year when he presented his own workshop Forms and Fulcrums. Cassie is delighted to teach small groups providing personalised care and attention in an environment of co-operative learning and loves the rich mix of large groups welcoming them too. Cassie is a member of the ZBTF Education Committee which is a privilege.

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