The Deeper the Roots, the Taller the Tree
A celebration of the work of Dr. Fritz Smith
This year we will be celebrating the gift that Fritz has given us,
Event Details
The Deeper the Roots, the Taller the Tree
A celebration of the work of Dr. Fritz Smith
This year we will be celebrating the gift that Fritz has given us, learning new energetic fulcrums, deepening our understanding of touching Energy and Structure and exploring the power of the ZB principles in practice.
The Masterclass is a great opportunity to get accurate touch feedback to remind us of what we originally learned in Core Zero Balancing. The more experienced we are, the more the chance of “therapeutic drift”, losing the fulcrum detail and simplicity. We aim to re-einvigorate our protocol ZB and explore new ideas.
This year there will also be an opportunity to give and receive 2 or 3 ZB sessions on consecutive days, integrating the 3 days of bodywork and having the opportunity to work with a continuous frame.
These masterclasses have grown into being a delightful community gathering of Zero Balancers, sharing ideas, bodywork, enthusiasms and relaxing down time. A chance to connect with old friends and meet new ones.
Jacki Eve, Jeff Lennard and Richard Walters will share work from their growing edge, as well as exploring the depths of Core ZB. The full content is coming together well and we will reveal the details soon. Watch this space!
The annual Zero Balancing Masterclass is now at a new venue, Launde Abbey in Leicestershire - a large house with beautiful grounds
We will start Friday 18th October 9.30 and finish on Sunday 20th, by 4pm.
The cost Friday to Sunday, full board is £435 in a shared room. Single occupancy rooms are available.
You are also welcome to travel up the day before - see the booking form HERE for details.
Please contact Shelley at the ZBUK office if you have any questions.
October 18, 2024 9:30 am - October 20, 2024 5:00 pm(GMT+00:00)
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