Hybrid Core ZBI/ZBII

01feb3:47 pm3:47 pmHybrid Core ZBI/ZBIIIn Clerkenwell EC1, with Karli Beare - February 2025 - Dates TBC37 Amwell Street, London EC1R 1UR

Event Details

An opportunity to take a Core ZB I or ZBII workshop in  February 2025 Karli Beare will be conducting 3 in person days and 2 Zoom sessions either side of these. Venue: Studio Amwell, 37 Amwell Street, LONDON EC1R 1UR Situated in the heart of Clerkenwell, Studio Amwell is well-located for a number of main line and tube stations. It is also a short walk from Exmouth Market which features a wonderful array of food options for lunch. Dates to be finalised - watch this space You can also register interest by contacting Karli directly; karli@beare83.com    


February 1, 2025 3:47 pm - 3:47 pm(GMT+00:00)


Studio Amwell

37 Amwell Street, London EC1R 1UR

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