Geometry of Healing

21may(may 21)3:30 pm25(may 25)4:00 pmGeometry of Healingwith Jim McCormickDG13 0QL

Event Details

Jim McCormick is coming back to the UK for the third year in a row! This time, he's going to be teaching Geometry of Healing, one of Dr Fritz Smith's advanced workshops. Geometry of Healing teaches students how to work directly with the vibratory/energetic fields of the body. We define fields and then learn how to access and evaluate vibratory fields, obtain information contained therein, and how to balance and clarify the designated field or material. Dates: 21st to 25th May 2025 Venue: This residential workshop will be held at Samye Ling Monastery in the Scottish Borders. Last year's workshop was oversubscribed, so early booking is recommended to avoid disappointment! For more information and to book, please go to


May 21, 2025 3:30 pm - May 25, 2025 4:00 pm(GMT+00:00)


Purelands Retreat Centre

DG13 0QL

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